Monday, October 18, 2010

Employee Non-Compete Agreements

A nightmare for business owners is an employee, who you spent a lot of time and money training, leaves to work for a competitor. One way to reduce the risk of that nightmare becoming reality is to have employees sign non-compete agreements.

Sounds great in theory, but are they practical in Illinois. A recent Illinois Appellate Court decision discussed two tests Illinois courts have used to determine whether an employee non-compete agreement is valid. One makes non-compete agreements difficult to enforce. The second and newer test makes non-compete agreements easier to enforce, hence more practical.

The court in the case Steam Sales Corporation v. Brian Summers stated that the new test, which it referred to as the “reasonableness test” was the correct standard Unfortunately, the court applied the older and narrower “legitimate business interest” test. The facts in the case were so egregious that the employee would have lost under either test.

What are these two tests and what is their effect on employee compete agreements? To answer these questions you have to look at both tests.

The first test is the legitimate business interest test. Under the legitimate business interest test, the business must be one where its relationships with the business’ customers are near permanent and the employer would not have had contact with the customers if it had not been an employee. This test can also be satisfied if the employee gained confidential information through his employment that he attempted to use for his own benefit. Most businesses are not able to demonstrate that they have a “near permanent” relationship with their customers. So, it is very difficult to enforce a non-compete agreement if the court applies the legitimate business interest test.

The second test is the reasonableness test. Under the reasonableness test, the court looks at whether the terms of the non-compete will be injurious to the public (the customers) or cause undue hardship to the employee and whether the restriction on the employee is greater than necessary to protect the employer. This test is much easier for an employer to meet.

There are other factors in determining whether an employee non-compete will be enforceable. One such factor is whether the employee received any meaningful consideration for signing it. This is easy to show for brand new employees since the job offer can be conditioned upon signing a non-compete agreement.

Illinois courts applying a reasonableness test should allow employers to sleep a little more peacefully knowing that it is easier to have an effective employee non-compete agreement.

Disclaimer This is a passive blog and the materials contained herein are provided for informational purposes only. Nothing contained in this blog should be interpreted as a solicitation of business and none of the information contained herein constitutes legal advice. The law is subject to change without notice, and the local laws of your residence may be different from the general information displayed on this blog. You should not rely on the information provided on this blog without first consulting an attorney. Contacting this website does not establish and attorney/client relationship between you and its publisher Christopher W. Matern. An attorney/client relationship can only be established with Christopher Matern by engaging in direct person-to-person contact with Christopher Matern. Christopher Matern does not intend to practice law in any jurisdiction in which he is not licensed.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Now Paid On Time Isn’t Good Enough

Paying your mortgage on time apparently now isn’t good enough for one of the country’s largest mortgage lenders-GMAC.

Surprisingly, with all the problems mortgage lenders have with loans that are not being paid GMAC has time to make threatening collection calls to its borrowers who are paying on time.

The standard residential loan and mortgage state that payments are due on the 1st of the month, but they will not be considered late if the payment is received by the 15th of the month. Because the payment is not late until the 15th, many people choose to send their payments right before the 15th. This is much easier to do now if you are paying electronically such as with a bank’s online bill pay service.

So one would expect not to receive collection calls if their payments were received by the 15th of the month.

Nonetheless, GMAC starts making collection calls after the 1st day of the month. They make these calls several times a day, everyday of the week. Yes, they do call on Sunday morning too. The caller says you are late with your mortgage payment and if immediate payment is not received they will foreclose.

GMAC customer service representative explains that its “investors” have asked them to make these calls after the 1st of the month even though GMAC knows and admits that the payment is not late if they receive it by the 15th of month.

If anyone has had a similar experience with other mortgage lenders I would like to hear about what are lenders are doing this too.

Disclaimer This is a passive blog and the materials contained herein are provided for informational purposes only. Nothing contained in this blog should be interpreted as a solicitation of business and none of the information contained herein constitutes legal advice. The law is subject to change without notice, and the local laws of your residence may be different from the general information displayed on this blog. You should not rely on the information provided on this blog without first consulting an attorney. Contacting this website does not establish and attorney/client relationship between you and its publisher Christopher W. Matern. An attorney/client relationship can only be established with Christopher Matern by engaging in direct person-to-person contact with Christopher Matern. Christopher Matern does not intend to practice law in any jurisdiction in which he is not licensed.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Do It Yourself Estate Planning

In a time when everybody is trying to save money is estate planning software a good way to save money? That is a “loaded” question. Certainly using estate planning software is cheaper than hiring an attorney. But is it a good solution? Will the software create the documents that accomplish your wishes?

A New York Times writer tested several different estate planning software programs. The the writer had the documents reviewed by an attorney. This link is to his article titled In Using Software to Write a Will, a Lawyer is still Helpful.

When you hire an attorney that has experience in preparing Wills, Trusts and other estate planning documents you are not paying for the documents themselves. The attorney, like the computer programs, has basic documents. You are paying for the attorney’s time to talk with you about your specific situation, then modify those basic documents to fit your situation. With the attorney you also get advice on how other investments such as your home, IRA accounts and life insurance policies should integrate with your estate planning documents.

Disclaimer This is a passive blog and the materials contained herein are provided for informational purposes only. Nothing contained in this blog should be interpreted as a solicitation of business and none of the information contained herein constitutes legal advice. The law is subject to change without notice, and the local laws of your residence may be different from the general information displayed on this blog. You should not rely on the information provided on this blog without first consulting an attorney. Contacting this website does not establish and attorney/client relationship between you and its publisher Christopher W. Matern. An attorney/client relationship can only be established with Christopher Matern by engaging in direct person-to-person contact with Christopher Matern. Christopher Matern does not intend to practice law in any jurisdiction in which he is not licensed.